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Chikaming Township Regulation

Township in Berrien County, Michigan (on the shoreline of Lake Michigan)

Population: 3,701

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The township Zoning Ordinance provides shoreline protection along Lake Michigan in Critical Dune areas and floodplains.  The township has also adopted a Floodplain Ordinance (Ordinance 35) and a Shoreline Armoring ordinance (Ordinance 147).

Regulation meets the following Key Measures:


Prevents the removal and/or requires the installation of native vegetation near dunes and beaches.

Tree and vegetation maintenance in critical dune and High-Risk Erosion Areas (HREA).

Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Section 5.01(C)(2)(c)


Limits development/redevelopment in floodplains.

Floodplain zones are identified on the zoning map. Zoning Ordinance Article 1.
Floodplain overlay district limits development in 100-year floodplain as designated by FEMA.

Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Section 5.01(K)

Allows for development with minimum requirements that any level of a structure intended for human habitation is located above the elevation of the floodplain.

Ordinance 35 – Floodplain Regulations


Limits development/redevelopment along the shoreline.

Setback requirements are established in certain zoning districts and critical dune areas to allow for natural processes to occur along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Setbacks are measured from the Regulatory Ordinary High Water Mark (ROHWM) set by the Michigan Department of Energy, Great Lakes, and Environment (EGLE).

Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Section 5.01(C)


Limits hardscaping/armoring of the shoreline.

Shoreline armoring is unlawful in the township and permits are required for temporary placement of erosion control measures such as Sandbags or Geotubes®

Ordinance 147 – Shoreline Armoring


Chikaming Township Zoning Ordinance


Download Chikaming Township Zoning Ordinance

Ordinance 147 - Shoreline Armoring


Download Ordinance 147 - Shoreline Armoring

Ordinance 35 - Flood Plain Regulations


Download Ordinance 35 - Flood Plain Regulations