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City of Norton Shores Regulation

City in Muskegon County, Michigan (on the shoreline of Lake Michigan)

Population: 23,994

Norton Shores is one of the communities that has worked with the Coastal Zone Management Program in Michigan. The community is situated along Lake Michigan and is part of the Muskegon metropolitan area and is home to approximately 6 miles of lake shoreline and 770 acres of dune lands. The City has developed ordinances for shorelands, flood hazard zones, and other environmentally sensitive areas.

Regulation meets the following Key Measures:


Prevents the removal and/or requires the installation of native vegetation near dunes and beaches.

Natural shore coverage is required in shoreland areas to prevent erosion and to filter effluent and nutrient flow from reaching surface bodies or water.
Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Division 2, Section 48-914


Limits development/redevelopment in floodplains.

Grading, dredging, and filling is regulated in an established flood overlay district.
Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Division 3, Section 48-942


Limits development/redevelopment along the shoreline.

Shoreland setbacks are required for buildings and other developments as measured from a high-water mark with some exceptions.
Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Division 2, Section 48-914-915


Norton Shores - Zoning Ordinance - Environmental


Download Norton Shores - Zoning Ordinance - Environmental