Home Wetland Adaption Literature Review Economic Value and Ecosystem Services
Economic Value and Ecosystem Services
Allan, David J. et al. (2013) Joint analysis of stressors and ecosystem services to enhance restoration effectiveness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1213841110
G. Thomas and E.J. Zachariah, Urban Heat Island in a Tropical City Interlaced by Wetlands. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 5 (2011) 234-240.
Protecting Natural Wetlands: A Guide to Stormwater Best Management Practices, Office of Water (4502F) United States Environmental Protection Agency, October 1996.
Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Storm Water Wetlands, US EPA Office of Water, EPA 832-F-99-025. September 1999.
Bin, Okmyung and Polasky, Stephen. Valuing Inland and Coastal Wetlands in a Rural Setting Using Parametric and Semi-Parametric Hedonic Models, August 2003, University of Minnesota and East Carolina University.
Marla J. Stelk & Jeanne Christie. (DRAFT: March 2014) Ecosystem Service Valuation for Wetland Restoration, by the Association of State Wetland Managers.