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Wetland Restoration
Koslow et al. (2014) Restoring the Great Lakes Coastal Future: Technical Guidance for the Design and Implementation of Climate-Smart projects with Seven Case Studies. National Wildlife Federation and NOAA Great Lakes Restoration.
Permits for Voluntary Wetland Restoration: A Handbook, November 2013, Association of State Wetland Managers.
Restoring America’s Wetlands: A Private Lands Conservation Success Story, US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. (Sept. 2011) L. James Lester, Gregory R. Biddinger and Lisa A. Gonzalez, HARC, The Woodlands, TX, USA.
Reversing the Loss: A Strategy to Protect, Restore and Explore Wisconsin Wetlands. Developed by the Wisconsin Wetland Team. Wisconsin Wetland Team. June 2008.
A User’s Guide to Wetland Restoration, Creation, and Enhancement. Developed by the Interagency Workgroup on Wetland Restoration: US EPA and NOAA.
Wetlands Restoration Strategy: A Framework for Prioritizing Efforts in Minnesota. January 2009. Supplement to the Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Plan 1997.
Northeast Michigan Cooperative Weed Management Plan. www.HuronPines.org